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Becoming Grace: Imbolc 2017

Imbolc occurs halfway between the winter solstice and the spring equinox, in early February (in the Northern hemisphere). This year, the exact alignment is on the 3rd of February. We’ve had six weeks of increasing light, and Imbolc is once again a celebration of that light, and of the manifestations of the individual facets of light that we shine as.

Imbolc offers us the opportunity to step into a new experience of ourselves, and a new, grace-filled field of manifestation. (For those in the Southern hemisphere, it is the festival of Lughnasad, but the specific energies present are the same for the whole Earth). Part of this is an offering from Source to dissolve everything that is not the most optimal expression of our beingness. It’s well-worth taking Source up on the offer.

But far more important, is the powerful field of grace that awaits our choice to step into it. The letting go aspect, dropping everything at the doorstep, is secondary to choosing to participate in the beautiful new, fresh, energies.

What does it take to choose? Becoming grace is the fastest way to experience grace, and be totally transformed by it. We are already at the doorstep, so we needn’t go looking. Just breathe. Breathe light, breathe grace.

Hold your focus within you, in your heart-center, and ask it to resonate with the new field of grace.

Breathe grace. As oxygen nurtures each of our cells, so too this new energy of grace nurtures our Divine unfoldment.

If you like, ask for imagery to help support the shift in embodiment to a grace-filled one. One image I received is of little particles of grace (similar to an electron or smaller yet, a quark) pinging up against my cell structure, my dna, the light fractals of my light field. With each impact, with each ping, the cells and light fractals unfurl as their own light, like little shining flowers opening to the sun.

Blessings, Luminous Beings!

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