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May, with a Little Help from Eucalyptus

If you’re me, you might say, “May’s been a funny month.” A few weeks ago, we had a twenty-four hour window between the new moon and the exact alignment of Beltaine - an unusually fertile time for seeding new intentions.

…Then came the quiet unfolding of the month. After a big event in your life, ceremonial or otherwise, how do you maintain your energy? Do you find it easy to ride the currents created by wonderful, powerful moments, or do you need a bit of help to keep your mind clear, your heart open and your actions aligned?

One of the most powerful practices for me is spending time in nature, with dedicated 1-1 time with a plant.

This practice helps me to return to NOW - as my mentor Nalini says, Nurturing the Oneness Within.

At the beginning of the month, I published a new Lunar Grove, with wisdom from Eucalyptus, who reminds us to soften our sense of self through a practice called Gazing: a mystical technique to enhance your light.

Here’s an except from the article:

“What is particularly interesting to me, as I gaze at the expansive Eucalyptus, is that the movement of the leaves is similar to the movement of light through our beings - or more accurately, the movement of the light that we are as we continuously shift and change. Our minds like to think that we are fixed in form, but are not.”

Then, after the powerful new moon/Beltaine window, I felt a wave of “now what?”

Well, “now what” is keep going outside and keep listening to nature. I kept heading outside to feel the grass under my feet, watch a chameleon tenderly cross the road, and gaze at the light shimmering off water.

One evening, as I continued to listen to and gaze at Eucalyptus, I saw a grove of trees lit up by the warm evening light. They were exquisite, glowing and whole. I realized, as I soaked in the colors and the uplift of sunset, that this is how we look, too: exquisitely beautiful, glowing with light.

We are no different to our favorite nature beings. Yes, we get a bit more distracted by the mind’s humming (maybe a lot distracted) but we too, are exceptional beings.

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